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TruTrabazo is committed to upholding the intellectual property rights of others and urges all users to do the same. As part of our robust approach, we promptly remove any user submissions, content, materials, or information from our websites that infringe upon someone's intellectual property rights. Additionally, we suspend access for users found to be violating these rights of TruTrabazo .

Our Copyright Policy is closely tied to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, forming an integral part of our commitment to protecting intellectual property rights. We strongly recommend reading all these documents thoroughly and in conjunction to ensure a comprehensive understanding of our intellectual property rights policies.

All content featured on TruTrabazo website i.e. https://trutrabazo.com (referred to as “Website”), including but not limited to informational content, images, charts, graphs, graphics, designs, photographs, audio and video clips, software, and HTML code (collectively referred to as the "Content"), is the exclusive property of TruTrabazo, doing business on the Website. This Content is protected by both laws of India and international intellectual property laws and treaty provisions. These laws encompass patents, copyrights, trade secrets, trade names, trademarks, service marks, moral rights, know-how, and any other similar rights.

TruTrabazo retains full ownership of the Content, encompassing copyrights, patents, trade secrets, and other intellectual property rights. Users acknowledge the substantial investment of time, effort, financial resources, and creativity involved in creating the Content, which constitutes valuable trade secrets exclusive to TruTrabazo. Users are required to ensure the confidentiality and security of the Content, employing protective measures commensurate with those used to safeguard their own confidential information.

Using our services doesn’t mean that the User is entitled to use any of our trademarks or other intellectual property, like copyrights, trademarks and patents. All rights related to the Website are unequivocally reserved by us even though we permit you to use our Website and the services within it. The content on the Website is copyrighted as a collective work, and individual works or content appearing on or accessible through the Website is owned by or licensed to TruTrabazo and thus, such content as contained within the Website is protected by applicable domestic and international laws. Nothing in this Policy grants you any right to receive delivery of a copy of our content appearing or contained within the Website or to obtain access to the same except as generally and ordinarily permitted through the use of the Website according to these Terms.

The names, logos, distinctive features, source identifiers and other materials displayed on the Website, including its ‘look and feel’, constitute trademarks, trade names, service marks, trade dress or logos of us are our trademarks and registered in appropriate jurisdictions.

All Trademarks and/or other intellectual properties appearing on the Website are not owned by TruTrabazo and are the property of their respective owners. You are not authorized to use any such intellectual property. Ownership of all such intellectual property and the goodwill associated therewith remains with us or those other entities. Unless you first obtain the requisite owner’s prior written consent, you may not copy, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, digitally perform (in the case of sound recordings) or create derivative works from any copyrighted work made available or accessible via the Website. You will not remove, alter or obscure any copyright, trademark, service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the Website and its services.

In the event that you believe any content within the Websites violates a copyright you hold, we encourage you to contact us directly at the email address provided at the end of these Terms, outlining the basis of your claim.

IP Rights in User Content – By submitting any content ("User Content") on or through the Website, you agree to grant TruTrabazo a worldwide, non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, fully paid, sublicensable, transferable, and unencumbered license to use, modify, reproduce, distribute, display, publish, and perform the User Content in connection with the Website. It's essential to understand that while TruTrabazo has the right to utilize User Content, it isn't obligated to monitor or regulate such content. TruTrabazo reserves the right to remove or disable any User Content at any time without providing any explanation or reason.

Transmission of User Content – The operation of the Website, including the User Content, may be unencrypted and may involve transmission to TruTrabazo’s third party vendors and/or hosting partners, at the sole discretion of TruTrabazo. You acknowledge that you are solely responsible for ensuring the security, protection, and backup of User Content. TruTrabazo will not be liable to you for any unauthorized access or use of User Content, or for any corruption, deletion, destruction, or loss of User Content.

User Representations and Warranties - You warrant and represent to TruTrabazo that your actions on the Website and TruTrabazo's handling and utilization of User Content, as delineated in these Terms, shall not transgress, encroach upon, or appropriate any third party's copyright, trademark, right of privacy or publicity, or other personal or proprietary entitlements. Furthermore, you attest that User Content does not encompass any material deemed defamatory, obscene, unlawful, threatening, abusive, tortious, offensive, or harassing.

TruTrabazo partners, employees, and affiliated entities may utilize the Content created/authored/discovered/invented/owned or/and controlled by TruTrabazo in adherence to individual or collective agreements executed with them and the intellectual property (IP) rights pertaining to such materials will be subject to the specific terms and conditions outlined in the said agreements.

By using the Website, you agree to the following conditions with respect to the Content:

  • You are prohibited from sharing, distributing, or disclosing any part of the Content to third parties without prior permission from TruTrabazo.

  • Developing any products or services based on the Content is not allowed.

  • Altering, duplicating, or generating derivative works from the Content is strictly prohibited.

  • Actions that may jeopardize user enjoyment of the Content or the rights of TruTrabazo or its licensors are not permitted.

  • You must refrain from utilizing, transferring, or disposing of the data in a manner that competes with TruTrabazo's business or its affiliates.

  • The Content must be used in compliance with this Policy, the Terms of Use, and all applicable laws and regulations.

  • The Content should not contain any obscene, pornographic, defamatory, or disparaging material toward TruTrabazo, its products, or any individual or entity, according to TruTrabazo's standards.

  • Your usage of the Content should not imply any direct or indirect sponsorship, affiliation or endorsement by TruTrabazo.

  • While you are allowed to add comments or other material to the Website, it must be clearly attributable to you and not attributed to TruTrabazo.

  • When using TruTrabazo trademarks, proper trademark attribution must be included, accurately stating the usage of TruTrabazo’s trademarks.

  • In no event will TruTrabazo be liable for any indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages including without limitation, lost profits, or loss or damage to data arising out of the use or inability to use any Content, even if TruTrabazo has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

You are permitted to use and download materials from the Website for your personal use, subject to approval by TruTrabazo. However, you are prohibited from using, distributing, modifying, transmitting, or posting any content obtained from the Website for public or commercial purposes without explicit written permission. This includes text, images, audio, or video content. You are not authorized to resell access to these materials or facilitate their redistribution for sale to others. Additionally, you must not remove copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property notices from printed or electronically accessed materials.

You acknowledge that all trademarks, service marks, logos, names, and titles on the Website (collectively referred to as the "Marks") are proprietary to TruTrabazo and are protected by trademark and copyright law. You are not granted any license or right to use any of the Marks displayed on the Website. Unauthorized use of the Marks or any other content is strictly prohibited.

Furthermore, you agree that the Marks may only be used in connection with products or services originating from the Company. Any use likely to cause confusion among users or that disparages TruTrabazo is prohibited.

This clause pertains to user-generated content (referred to as "UGC") submitted by users to the Website. By utilizing the Websites and contributing to UGC, you acknowledge your acceptance of the terms and conditions outlined in the Terms of Use and Copyright Policy. You also commit to adhering to these terms. If you do not agree with our Terms of Use and Copyright Policy, you are not permitted to use our websites or submit UGC. The process of submitting UGC is subject to the guidelines set forth in the Terms of Use policy, along with the following details:

  • The publication of your UGC on TruTrabazo Website is entirely at TruTrabazo discretion. TruTrabazo reserves the right to make additions or deletions to your UGC before, during, or after publication. Additionally, TruTrabazo may refuse to publish your UGC if deemed necessary.

  • Please note, any UGC you submit to our Website will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary.

  • By submitting your UGC, you hereby provide TruTrabazo and its affiliates with a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, transferable, royalty-free license, including full sublicensing rights. This license encompasses the use, reproduction, and publication of your UGC.

  • You warrant, represent, undertake and assure TruTrabazo that all UGC you submit is either your original work or that you have acquired all requisite rights and permissions from the pertinent owner of the work. Furthermore, you confirm that you possess all pertinent rights in your UGC, enabling you to grant the rights and permissions specified in this clause.

  • You hereby unconditionally and irrevocably waive and agree not to assert (or procure the same from any third party where applicable) any and all moral rights and any other similar rights and all right of publicity and privacy in any country in the world in connection with your UGC, to the maximum extent permissible by law.

  • You guarantee, represent, and commit to us that your UGC, including its use, publication, and exploitation by us, will not:

    • Infringe upon the copyrights, database rights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity, or any other intellectual property or rights of any individual or entity.

    • Contain any material that is defamatory towards any person.

    • Include misleading or deceptive statements, omissions, or misrepresentations regarding your identity (e.g., impersonating another person) or your association with any person or entity.

    • Breach any legal or fiduciary duty owed to a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence.

    • Advocate, promote, or assist in discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age.

    • Contain any malicious code, such as viruses, worms, Trojan horses, or other potentially harmful programs, codes, or materials.

    • Violate any other applicable law, statute, ordinance, rule, or regulation.

  • If your UGC contains any material that is not owned by or licensed to you and/or which is subject to third party rights, you are responsible for obtaining, prior to submission of your UGC, all releases, consents and/or licenses necessary to permit use and exploitation of your UGC by us without additional compensation.

  • You further warrant, represent and undertake to us that your UGC (including its use, publication and/or exploitation by us) shall be compliant with our Terms of Use.

  • TruTrabazo recognizes that some of its content is user-generated, making it impractical to thoroughly vet for potential trademark violations. However, if you suspect any uploaded content infringes upon your trademark rights, please promptly notify TruTrabazo via letter or email at info@trutrabazo.com. TruTrabazo diligently investigates reported violations and takes appropriate action, including removing or disabling infringing content.

  • Additionally, if you believe that material you posted on the site was mistakenly removed or access to it was unjustly disabled, please promptly contact us at info@trutrabazo.com, providing complete details of your grievance.

  • If you do not comply with the terms as set out in this Copyright Policy, TruTrabazo reserves the right to suspend you from using the Website without notice to you and/or to edit or remove (in whole or part) any of your UGC from our Web Sites on a temporary or permanent basis.

  • TruTrabazo also reserves the right:

    • to pass on any UGC that gives us concern to the relevant authorities; and

    • to disclose your identity to any third party (or their professional advisor) who claims that any of your UGC constitutes a violation of their intellectual property rights, or of their right to privacy.

The present policy is governed by and will be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of Delhi, India, which are applicable to agreements made and to be performed solely within Delhi, India without regard to principles of conflicts of law. In any action involving any of the parties, whether arising from this Policy or otherwise, each party irrevocably and unconditionally consents and submits to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in Delhi, India.

Furthermore, if any dispute, allegation, or claim (including any non-contractual claim) arises concerning the present policy or the relating to the intellectual property right on the Website, both parties agree to send a written notice to the other party containing a reasonable description of the dispute and a proposed resolution. Our notice to you will be sent based on the most recent contact information you provide us. If no such information exists or is not current, we have no obligation under this clause. Your notice must be sent to us at info@trutrabazo.com. For a period of sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of notice from the other party, TruTrabazo and you will engage in dialogue to attempt to resolve the dispute. This section does not preclude a party from pursuing their claims in court or another dispute resolution process.


If you have questions or concerns regarding our Copyright Policy, please contact us at info@trutrabazo.com.